What will I need to bring with me on event day?
Please ensure you bring a helmet, your bike (of course), any water/nutrition, and your wetsuit. Please also bring your phone so you can show your order confirmation when collecting your race pack. They will likely just ask for your name, but it’s best to have your order confirmation to hand just in case!
Will I need to wear a wetsuit?
Water temperature will be taken on the morning of the race and this will dictate whether wetsuits are mandatory, optional or prohibited. They are mandatory below a water temperature of 14 degrees Celsius and prohibited above 22 degrees Celsius. It is always advisable to bring your wetsuit just in case it is needed.
Section 4.2 of the Brit Tri rules provides the relevant water temperatures at which decisions are made. british-triathlon-competition-rules-2022.pdf (britishtriathlon.org)
Can I hire a wetsuit or bike at the event?
We don’t offer bike or wetsuit hire unfortunately – we require all participants to bring their own bikes/equipment.
You can find services for this online if you do need to rent one.
What bike can I use?
You can find all the British Triathlon rules here which will fully detail what’s permitted/not permitted in terms of equipment and kit.
Any fully functioning bikes can be used (mountain, road, racing, hybrid etc), but no E-bikes or things like Bromptons.
Are TT bars allowed?
Drafting is not permitted at any time (rules on drafting can be found here), but all bikes are allowed (except E-bikes or Folding bikes are not officially allowed as they should have a crossbar) as long as they are safe to ride (brakes working, tyres pumped etc).
Will my race pack be posted?
All race packs for Dorney Lake events are collected on the morning of the event. Please ensure plenty of time to get from the car park to registration.
What will be in my race pack?
You will be given a white envelope with your race number on it. This will include 2 race numbers. A number must be worn visibly on your front for the run and on your back during the bike.
The numbers can be pinned to a top or if using a race belt a single number can be rotated from the front to the back. 2 numbered labels (one for the front of your helmet and one for the top tube of your bike).
You will also receive a timing chip with an ankle strap (This must be strapped to your LEFT ankle) and a Swim hat corresponding with your wave start.
Additional safety pins will be available at registration if required.
You will be asked to write your race number on the back of your left hand with a large black marker. This is an important safety activity in case of an emergency situation in the swim.
Is there parking available at Dorney Lake?
There is a hard standing car park near the boathouse with and overflow on the grass. In addition, there is parking available along the access road within the venue. Please follow the instructions of the Dorney Lake Staff who will be managing the parking on the day.
There could be up to a 20-minute walk to registration depending upon which car park you find yourself in. Please leave plenty of time.
After parking, please follow signs to the registration area, or ask a marshal. We suggest that you bring your bike and race equipment with you to registration to avoid having to return to your car.
Can I wear headphones or use my phone during the event?
Headphones of any type are NOT ALLOWED during any stage of the triathlon.
•Mobile phones must not be used while in the Transition area or during the race.
Do I need a BTF permit?
You do need a permit to take part however if you are a Non-BTF member you can purchase a day licence when entering the event (please select Non-Member when purchasing your entry).
If you are already a BTF Member, please ensure that you complete your licence number accurately during the registration process. All licence numbers will be validated by BTF before the event and any participants with an invalid BTF licence number will be asked to show an online copy at registration.
Are there cut-off times?
There is no strict cut-off time so you can take each section of the course at your own pace.
Upon entering you’ll be asked to provide an estimated swim time and you’ll be set off in waves depending on your time. Other than that there is no cut-off and the course is super beginner friendly. We always have a really good mix of abilities!
How long before the start of my wave do I need to arrive?
Please arrive as early as possible – We would recommend arriving at least an hour before your start time to allow for time to walk from the car park, collect your race pack and get ready.
Can I bring spectators?
Spectators are encouraged to come to Dorney Lake. Due to parking restrictions, spectators are requested to turn up to the event in the same car as participants wherever possible.
Are there changing and toilet facilities available?
Changing and Toilets Changing facilities are available within Dorney Lake Boathouse.
Toilets will be provided, in the form of two sets of portable toilets, either side of the boathouse and additional toilets (included disabled) are available in the boathouse itself.
Will there be a baggage area?
There is no official baggage area, but an area at the side of transition will be made available for small bags to be left. Please avoid turning up with large bags/boxes as this can cause an obstruction in the transition area.
Where can I find my results?
Results are calculated by EventChipTiming.
Your time will be uploaded to their website within seconds of you crossing the finish line. There will be no ticket printer for times at the event but you can find your result immediately at: http://results.eventchiptiming.com/
Where can I find my photos?
We will have an official photographer at the event. The pictures of all the races will be made available for you at the following address:
If you wish for any of the published photos to be removed, just let us know.
Can you explain the distances?
Sprint Triathlon: 750m swim-19km bike-5km run
Sprint Aquabike: 750m swim-19km bike
Standard Triathlon: 1500m swim-38km bike-10km run
Standard Aquabike: 1500m swim-38km bike